

12″ Flange facing machine into production

We are pleased to announce the 12 inch flange facing machine..

Diagonal cold cutting with 7 deg

This is the first time we perform the diagonal pipe cold cut...

1″, 3″ and 6″ Pipe beveller with BOSCH Motor

1" and 3" pipe beveling machine with BOSCH motorWe can supply...

Shipment in July, to Russia, Nigeria, Singpore…

Shipment in July:Handheld plate beveling machine went to Korea2...

42-48 inch Clamshell commissioning in factory

42 "-48 " pipe cold cutting and beveling machine Stationary rin...

Relocation Notification

迁址通知 Relocation Notification各协作单位:感谢对我公司的一贯支持...

Pipe Welding Prep. 16″x36mm, ASME B16.25

A perfect compound beveling achieved at customer site Beveling...

Letter to the clients – Nodha

Dear customers,In the past period of time, on the occasional ...

2020 China New Year Holiday Schedule

Dear Valued Customers, On the occasion of China New Year coming, we would like to expr...
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